
Contact Us!

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Handling of personal information

【purpose of use】
Personal information acquired by Tsuribito Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") will not be used for any purpose other than responding to inquiries.

[Provided by a third party]
Our company will not provide the personal information we have received to a third party, except as required by law or judicial procedure.

We do not entrust the personal information we receive to others.

[Voluntary provision of information]
Providing personal information to us is voluntary. However, if there are any omissions or mistakes in the information, we may not be able to respond appropriately to your inquiry.

[About the use of cookies]
Our website may send information called cookies to users' computers in order to provide services to customers who view it and to verify traffic information. This information is stored on your computer's hard disk or memory. Cookie information is used only for marketing analysis of our website and provision of various services, so it will not infringe on your privacy.

[Disclosure of personal information, etc.]
For notification of purpose of use, disclosure of personal information, correction, addition or deletion of content, deletion, suspension of provision to third parties, and other inquiries, please contact the contact information below.

Contact information:
TEL 050-5533-0731
Address: Angler Tools Store Management Office